Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), according to the history of Islam, (eleven years of publication of Prophethood), the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), on the 26th of the month of Rajab, passed from Kaaba Sharif to Baitul Mukaddas or Masjidul Axa in Jerusalem and there he used to be the Imam of the Prophets. Then he went on a special specialty of Borak and went to Urdalola. In Sidaratul Muntah, he met Allah. The angel Gabriel was accompanying him on this visit. [1] In the first verse of Surah al-Bani Isra'il of the Qur'an, it has been said:
"سبحان الذي أسرى بعبده ليلا من المسجد الحرام إلى المسجد الأقصى الذي باركنا حوله لنريه من أياتنا إنه هو السميع البصير
Pronunciation: Subhanalajee Asra Babaddi Lailam Minal Masjidil Hariam Ilal Masijdil Aksa
Vangasah: "Holy is the great being, who has traveled from a mosque to a mosque (Kaabghar) to the mosque in the mosque (Ba'ul-ul-Mokaddas), in which there are numerous symbols shown to him.
Verbal etymology
Although the word "Meraaj" is not mentioned in the Quran, but when the unbeliever asks to bring the ascending evidence in the heavens as evidence of Muhammad's Prophecy or the divine message, then the word mentioned there was the star Fess Sama-Yi: ascend to heaven. Where the star means to climb, and the word comes from Rakya, which means "he climbed". The word Arabic meraaj is derived from Arza, which means that he ascended. But the difference between them is the physical ascendancy by Rakia, whereas ascension refers to spiritual ascension. Therefore, Muhammad's "spiritual ascension" was proved by the Qoraan.
The statement of Qoraan with the consent is:
"One day the angels and the Spirit ascend to Allah, which is equivalent to fifty thousand years of the earth."
Mirage happened in the tenth year of Muhammad's Prophecy or receiving the divine message. There were two parts in the case of Meraaj: 1. Night-trips to al-Isra or Jerusalem, and 2. Meraaz or ascension or ascension.
It is found in a narration: the tenth year of the Prophethood, seven months; On the 27th of August, Muhammad (sa), the daughter of Abu Talib, was staying in the house of Hindus. Another hadith has been reported, that night, Muhammad sleeps in Kabah, and he sleeps in that part of the Kaaba, where there is no roof (Hatim).
From the details of the story, it is known that, on that night, Muhammad (peace be upon him) went to sleep on the night prayers. Early in the morning, Mohammad awakened everyone and offered prayers. The Hindu also offered Salat with him. After the prayer, Muhammad (peace be upon him) said,
"And Umhamani (Hindi nickname), I have prayed with you in this house. As you have seen. Then I went to the holy place and prayed there. And then you got the morning prayer with you as you see.
Anas (ra) narrated from Malik Ibn Sa'assah, that in the narration of the night that Allah had visited Allah in the night, he said in front of the Companions that when I opened the house in the Ka'bah, I reached and I was still sleeping in a broken sleep), suddenly a deviant angel Gabriel came to me (and I The near / near the well of Zamzam came near). Then he removed my upper body from the upper limit to the lower abdomen and carried out my heart or clot. Then a gold plate was presented, which was filled with the material of the Iman (the true true knowledgeable). After cleansing my calcutta (jamjam water), the material was filled inside it, and my calf was fixed in the place where the calf was placed. Then, for me, a little smaller than a mule, a large white-colored vehicle was presented from the donkey, its name is "Borac", to which the action is towards the end of the eye. I was riding on the vehicle. Through the stream of events, Gabriel (AS) reached me at the gate of the first heaven and said to open the door. The identity was asked from inside, Gabriel gave his identity. Then it was asked, who is with you? Gabriel said, "Muhammad (peace be upon him) is there. It was said, (he was sent to you to come to him) was sent to him? Jibril said yes Then, the door was opened to us by giving us feedback. Inside the gate, we saw Adam (AS). Gabriel introduced me to him and said, 'He is your original father, Adam (peace be upon him), salute him. I greeted him. In my response to Salam, he called me "a capable son and a capable prophet" and told me the greeting.
Then Gabriel reached me at the second heaven and said to open the door. Here, the conversation started as well as before, and the door of the Mubarakabad, the goodbye opened. Inside, we found Yahya (Jesus) and Jesus (AS); The grandmother of both of them was framed. Gabriel asked me to greet him with their identities, I greeted them. They gave me the greetings of my greeting as "good Prophet worthy Prophet".
Then Gabriel (AS) reached me at the gate of the third heaven and said to open the door. Even after the conversation, the door was opened, greeted with greetings as before. Inside we found Yusuf (AS). Gabriel told me to greet him and greet him; I greeted him and gave him the answer of the greeting and told me to say that he was a "good brother and a capable prophet". Then, on reaching me, Gabriel reached the fourth heaven, and he said to open the door. After the questions and answers in regards to open the door before there was satisfied. We have wedged therein Idris (ii.) - got the call. Gabriel told me to introduce him and greet him. I greeted him. He answered the greeting and told me to say "a worthy brother and a suitable Prophet." Then Gabriel took me to the fifth heaven and the door opened paumchilena said. Even after this, the door was opened with goodwill and Mubarakabad donations after the question-answer as usual. When I reached Harun (AS), I met Gabriel and asked me to salute him. I salute He answered my greetings and told me to say goodbye to me as a "good brother and a capable prophet". Then Gabriel reached the gate of the sixth heaven and said to open the door. At this place, when asked about identity, Gabriel gave his identity, then who was asked with who he was. He said, "Muhammad (peace be upon him); It was, he knew it was coming you for the message? Gabriel said, yes. As soon as the greeting and sermons were opened, the door opened. When we entered into it, we met Moses. Gabriel (peace be upon him :) I am aware of his identity and told to salute. I greeted him. He answered the greeting and told me to say "good brother and good prophet". When I left the area, Musa (AS) was crying. When he was asked about the reason for crying, he said, "I cry because of the number of beneficiaries in my Ummah the number of the beneficiaries of this Prophet will be less than the number of beneficiaries, whereas he has been sent by age to the youth and the world after me." Then Gabriel took me to the seventh heaven and took me to the door and told me to open the door. In this place, all the questions were answered as before, and the door opened and greeted and welcomed. I got inside. There he got the meeting of Ibrahim (as). Gabriel said to me, 'He is your father (father's father), salute him. I greeted him. He replied to my greeting and told me to say that I am a worthy son, a worthy prophet.
Then I reached Sidrul Ma'tahah. (That is, a large oval tree), in one of its coolest hajar regions, like a thick (big) matka and its leaves are the ears of an elephant. Gabriel told me that the name of this tree is "Sidratul Muntaha". There I found four flowing rivers - two flowing inward and two outside. I asked Gabriel about the names of the rivers. He said, the two rivers flowing in the two heavens (Salsabil and Kawsar) are two rivers. And the two flowing outwards (flowing in the surface of the earth) are blue and flowing in Iraq (the main source of the river or their names). Then I was inspected "Baitul Ma'moor". There are seventy thousand angels present there (for worship) (The team that gets a chance is not getting a chance for the second day forever).
Then (for the test to clarify the clarity and clarity of my creative nature), three pots were presented before me. One was either liquor or alcohol, milk on the other, honey in another, and I took a cup of milk. Gabriel said: "The true truth and authentic religion of Islam is like Islam; (So, you have proved that by accepting a cup of milk), you are on the basis of the natural religion, Islam and your community will also be on your side in Ushila.
Then, in my Shari'a, fifty days prayer was made to be obligatory. When I crossed the path of Musa (AS) on the way back, he asked me, what has the special order received? I said, fifty days prayer. Musa (AS) said, "Your nation will not be able to carry fifty days of repetition." I have gained a great deal of experience in the behavior of ordinary people and have examined the people of the tribe of Israel; So please apply this order to your community for your Ummah in the court of the Lord. Hazrat (PBUH) said, "I went back to the court of God." My Lord reduced me to ten times (five times in a row). Then I came to Moses again, he gave me advice as before. I went back to the Lord's court, even this time, ten times lesser. He came to Moses again, he gave me this advice. I returned to my Lord's court and reduced it ten times (as before). Even after reaching Moses (peace be upon him), he advised me as before. I returned to the Lord's court, this time, I was assigned five times per day. Even after reaching Moses, he asked me, what is the order received? I said, every five prayers has been given daily. Moses said, "Your community can not even get worshiped five times a day." I have already experienced the naturalness of the common man and have tried many children of the Children of Israel. You again request to return to the Lord's court and reduce it. Hazrat (peace be upon him) said, I told Musa, I have visited many times in the court of the Lord; I feel ashamed to go back again, I will not go, but I was satisfied only on five occasions. Hazrat (PBUH) said, "Then when I went on the way back, a declaration was made from Allah Allaah - (by the direction of the reward of the people)" I left my fixed number (fifty), (my words will remain unchanged for me) I have made it easier and less for the servants at work. (That is, five times in the work place, but by the direction of reward, five shall be fifty.) In every good year, I will give ten times the reward. " (Retrograde)
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