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Friday, March 17, 2017

International Day of the Girl Child

International Day of the Girl Child The United Nations countries around the world every year on October 11 plays. This day is called the Day of the girls. 01 on the first day was celebrated on 11 October. The elimination of gender discrimination is one of the main objectives of the day. Other significant areas of the right to education, developed, and as the right to legal assistance, medical facilities, and protection from discrimination, as well as forced early marriage and violence against women.
Plan International is a project of the non-event as surface-posakatate International Children's Day was born daughter. Plan International, "because I'm a girl" (Because I Am a Girl) as a result of the movement of the day the idea was awake. The movement of the whole world, the daughter of the original program developed to increase public awareness about. The Canadian company, all employees of the Government of Canada support to the movement to establish the world stage.
The United Nations General Assembly in Canada, the International Children's Day celebrations, the daughter began to offer. 011 United Nations General Assembly adopted the proposal on 19 December and on 11 October 01, the daughter of the first International Children's Day is celebrated. Every year there is a theme or a theme. The first daughter of the Children's Day theme was "put off child marriage." a second time, 013 was the theme of "education for girls as well as new fields." was the theme of the third and fourth time, "kaisorake performance and cycle of violence closed " and the" daughter of adolescence: the 030 guidance.


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